More Tips and Tricks for Looking Great Online!
Recently a nun, Sister Monica from the Community St. John Baptist in New Jersey was asked about her skincare regime, because in her TikTok videos her skin appeared flawless, and her fans were shocked to learn that she was 55 years old.
Sister Monica, who’s TikTok account is called “Nunsense for the People” and who has a following of almost 35,000, stated that one of the reasons her skin looked so good online, was because she knew a lot about lighting. Prior to becoming a nun in 2012 she had worked as a photo editor so she understood what lighting could do to make one appear flawless on camera. In response to people’s inquiries she recommends low lighting when shooting videos to blur out any signs of aging.
Are you thinking about lighting when you’re in front of the camera on Zoom Calls, at online job interviews, or when filming Facebook Live appearances? Did you know that the light that comes from your computer screen/camera is a blue light and not necessarily the best shade for many of us. Finding a light source that amidst warmer tones is usually the best. You can find a number of great lighting options online from a cube to a ring, and other shapes in between. But the best light source of all: natural lighting. See if you can hold your calls facing a window, this will make all the difference when appearing online.
For more tips and tricks for lighting yourself online - reach out to - and we will send your our latest cheat sheet!
